Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas - a time of giving.

We have just finished our Christmas Appeal mail out for the Stewart Island Project which has gone out with the Hostelling Horizon magazine to over 8000 YHA members. This is our second mailout this year to our members and this time we are asking our members to sign up to our regular giving programme called the Tokoeka Group (named after The Stewart Island Brown Kiwi).Tokoeka Group members will be kept up to date through our mini e-zine reporting on progress and project events. Also at the end of each financial year we will send an annual receipt for the total donations made for the entire year, which can be used to claim back 1/3 of the total donation.

Having regular donors giving either a weekly,fortnightly or monthly donation will help us tremendously to reach our fundraising goal.Often when we receive donations the donors say they wish they could give more. Giving affordable amounts over a regular period of time is an affordable way of making that happen. The target date for opening the facility is 1 November 2012, and ongoing regular donations through until that date will make a significant contribution to our fundraising goal.

We are also offering the option of giving to our Christmas Appeal if becoming a regular donor isn't an option.This year we are seeking donations towards the foundations of the actual buildings. A gift of $75 will buy and dig in one timber pile for this facility.. and we need about 500 piles. If you do make a donation I can personally guarantee that every cent and every dollar we receive for the Stewart Island Project goes straight into the project fund.

Well that's it from me for 2009. Thank you if you have supported the Stewart Island Project this year, it's been a tough year for fundraising, with many trusts and funding bodies declining any applications due to the lack of available funds. For us it's been the generosity of our members who have helped us continue on our fundraising drive and we appreciate your support. Have a great Christmas and best wishes for the new year.

If you would like to make a donation to the Stewart Island Project click on the donate link
or email us for information about joining the Tokoeka Group.

Thank you! Best Wishes and Merry Christmas.

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